Matthew Perry has died. New information on the sudden death of the comedy icon

Matthew Perry (fot. oneindia)

He was one of those actors who needed no introduction. Everyone just knew him. Matthew Perry, the comedy icon whom the world loved for his role as Chandler in the series “Friends,” has died. Perry died at his home on October 28. New information is coming to the media regarding the actor’s sudden death.

“Friends” is certainly one of the most important sitcoms in the history of television. Psychologists studied the cultural impact of “Friends” while the series was airing, and the results speak for themselves. Jennifer Aniston’s hairstyle was nicknamed “Rachel” and was copied all over the world. Joey’s catchphrase “How you doin’?”” has become a popular part of Western English slang. Chandler’s habit of ending unfinished sentences with sarcasm had an impact on the audience’s speech. Unfortunately, we will never hear Chandler’s sarcasm again, because Matthew Perry, who played him, died unexpectedly on October 28 at his home.

Matthew Perry died suddenly at his home on October 28. The actor was found unconscious in a jacuzzi. According to the first press reports, nothing was found at the scene to indicate that the actor had been murdered. No drugs were found on him. The unconscious actor was found by his assistant. The first reports about the actor’s cause of death indicate drowning.

However, the official cause is unknown. At this point, the autopsy has been completed and a toxicology report has been ordered. As reported, additional tests are necessary. Therefore, a toxicology report was commissioned. The results are intended to help determine whether any substances contributed to the 54-year-old’s death. The waiting time for the results of such a test is several weeks.

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