Global heat record for October beaten by a large margin


    Temperatures worldwide last month were the highest ever recorded in October, according to EU scientists. The deviations from the normal were “exceptional”.

    The new figures from the EU’s climate monitoring service C3S will be presented on Wednesday. The average temperature in the world has now been at record high levels for five months in a row.

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    • In October there were exceptional temperature deviations, says deputy director Samantha Burgess in the climate monitoring service.

    After such a long period of high temperatures, everything indicates that 2023 will be the hottest year ever recorded on Earth.

    • We can now say almost certainly that 2023 will be the warmest year on record, says Burgess in a statement.

    The temperature was 0.4 degrees higher than the previous October record from 2019. In this context, that is a lot.

    The margin over the previous record is the second largest ever recorded. Only once before has the margin been greater – and that was in the previous month.

    The margin compared to the previous record for September was 0.5 degrees.

    • We have never seen anything like this before, said Buontempo.

    Now it appears that the record margin for October was almost as large. In addition, a new sea temperature record was set for October.

    It is speculated whether other factors may also play a role, among them an undersea volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean and reduced particle pollution. But this is still uncertain.

    When the global figures for September were presented, they were described as shocking by Norwegian climate scientist Gunnar Myhre.

    • This makes an impression both on us and on research colleagues. We have not seen such a jump in temperature increase before, he said.

    The average temperature in October was 1.7 degrees above the estimated pre-industrial level for this month, according to C3S’ figures.

    • It is simply crazy, said C3S CEO Carlo Buontempo when the figures for September 2023 were presented.

    The main explanation for the high temperatures is believed to be man-made global warming, in combination with the El Niño weather phenomenon.

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